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0981 793 336 - 0246 685 2255
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[email protected]

issues related to the Website



clock 08:30 - 12:00 & 13:30 - 17:30
Monday to Friday from
March 27, 2024 to the end of October 26, 2024

asked questions

- The competition targets middle and high school students, divided into 02 groups:

Group A - Middle school students (grades 6-9)

Group B - High School students (grades 10-12)

- The competition’s themes: Applying STEM education to produce technology/STEM products to solve problems related to the Environment, Health, disadvantaged groups, towards sustainable development and towards sustainable development and The product is commercialized (meets criteria suitable to market needs).

- Students must register to play in teams and should keep in mind that:

A team should consist of the following members: (i) a teacher; and (ii) at least two and no more than four students.

A teacher can supervise many teams at the same time.
A student may only register for one team.

- Note: Each entry will be considered separately and according to each Group.

- The "Solve for Tomorrow 2024" competition is for middle and high school students nationwide, as long as you are within the age limit, you can feel free to participate.

- Refer to the regulations on the participants on the website

- The Preliminary Round will start from March 27, 2024 to June 16, 2024 and include 2 main activities: Online Training and Online Submission.

- For detailed instructions, please refer to the website

- The results of the Preliminary Round will be announced on July 14, 2024 at website

- Teachers and Students need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Students and Teachers create an account on the online training portal at (Note: it is necessary to specify the information according to the instructions)

Step 2: Students and Teachers choose the respective program (the program for Teachers and Students) and participate according to the instructions on the website

Step 3: Students and Teachers take an test at the end of each program

- Online Training Portal opened from April 1, 2024

From April 1, 2024 to October 15, 2024, Teachers and Students can take a course to improve their project implementation and presentation skills. Join the Online Training Course at website

Teachers and Students can retake lessons and tests without having to review the entire lesson of that module. The system will automatically update the tests of the individuals, and the program will only record the highest score.

- Training course for Teachers (Training via Zoom online platform):

Design Thinking: provides teachers with a new approach to problem solving, which can then be applied to innovating teaching methods and managing students.

-  Training course for Students (including 02 training forms (a) Training via the Online Training Portal and (b) Training via the Zoom online platform):

Design Thinking: provides students with problem-solving methods in learning to achieve better results.

Teachers and Students of the competition team are required to attend and complete the online training course to ensure their eligibility to participate in the Preliminary Round of the “Solve for Tomorrow 2024” competition.

Step 1:  All the teams refer to detailed instructions and sample submissions (in Word or Powerpoint format) at website

Step 2: Team representative uploads the submission on the website his/her online learning account.

Step 3:  The team selects "Submit entry" and selects the appropriate group to submit (Group A - Middle School Students; Or Group B - High School Students), fills out the registration form, uploads it according to the instructions at

Eligible entries are those that are submitted according to the following guidelines:
- The file name should be named as the following syntax:
1) [Group A Middle School]_[Province/City]_[School Name]_[Team Name] (Example: Group A Middle School_Hanoi_Giang Vo Middle School_ Team ABC).
2) [Group B High School]_[Province/City]_[School Name]_[Team Name] (Example: Group B High School_Hanoi_Tran Phu High School_ Team DEF).

- Entries made in Word or Powerpoint format must have all of the following sections:

1.  Theme

2.  Reason for selected theme

3.  Research methods

4.   Ideas and solutions to complete prototype

5.  Implementation process and feasibility of the solution in practice

6.  Financial plan and project implementation

7.  Appendix

- Teams will only be considered as eligible to submit entries when each team member has completed the Online Training Course and received a course completion code.

- During the entry timeline of the Preliminary Round, the teams have the right to add information and update the content of the submitted entries on the system. Each content sent from 01 email account is considered as 01 entry, so the competition team needs to re-submit all the specified information in each update and only use 01 account to contact the Organizers. In case the team wants to submit for the second or third time..., the file name must be set according to the following syntax:
1) [Group A Middle School]_[Province/City]_[School Name]_[Team Name]_[Resubmit 02/03/…] (Example: Group A Middle Scool_Hanoi_Giang Vo Middle School_ Team ABC_ Resubmit 02/03/…).
2) [Group B High School]_[Province/City]_[School Name]_[Team Name]_[Resubmit 02/03/…] (Example: Group B High School_Hanoi_Tran Phu High School_ Team DEF_ Resubmit 02/03/…).

- Teams only use 01 account to contact the Organizers. The Organizers will only base on the content of the Last Submission that received from the team at the time of submission deadline to determine the content of the test.

- For entries submitted within the stipulated time, the Organizers will send a confirmation email within 48 hours from the time of receiving the entries.

- Entries are applications that have never been published in the mass media or have not been awarded any similar competition.

- Deadline for submission of entries for the Preliminary Round is 23:59 on June 16, 2024.

- The submission process on the website is expected to take more than 30 minutes to complete according to the instructions depending on the typing speed and the internet speed at the participant’s place of operation.

- Therefore, in order to avoid unexpected problems during the submission, the Organizers recommend teams to submit their entries 04 - 05 hours before the submission deadline to ensure the highest quality.

- For Prototype Round: In case a student has a force majeure problem and cannot continue to participate in the Prototype round, the team is only allowed to replace one student, provided that they notify Organizers at least 1 week in advance by email immediately after receiving the result notification at Prototype Round. In case the substitute student does not guarantee the time to attend the Online Training Program, the competition team will be considered as absent 01 member.

- For the Final Round: the team is not allowed to change members. In case of force majeure a member cannot participate, the team is entitled to reduce its members but still have to ensure the minimum number of members as prescribed, otherwise the team will be deprived of the right to compete in the Finals. The final prize is only awarded to the member present for the competition, the absent member cannot receive the prize if they are winners.

Teams can include members from different units. However, please note that when submitting the test, teams need to be registered under a licensed educational institution and the team's instructors must be working at this unit.

- At the Prototype Round, the expert panel will support each team with any questions they may have regarding their understanding of STEM and technology applications, which helps each team member get the most excellent performance in the “Solve for Tomorrow 2024” competition.
- The expert panel will be organised and accompanied with TOP 40 teams at the Prototype Round (via MS Teams or Zoom )
- The technical mentoring will be organized as an online learning program on MS Teams or Zoom  the detailed format will be announced via email to each team). The number of classes and mentoring time will be based on the working schedule of the expert panel and the teams.

The mentoring period will take place in 3 sessions from July 15, 2024 to September 14, 2024 according to the schedule arranged by the Organizers.

- The Training Program of the Prototype Round is for:
1) Middle School Students
2) High School Students

- The Training course includes:
+ Startup skills
+ Soft skills

- Format: centralized training, in the North, Central, and South - (specific training locations in 3 regions will be announced later by the Organizing Committee). All members of the competition team need to participate, and the Team Instructor is in charge of coordinating the Students according to the regulations of the Organizing Committee.

- Time: Each group (group A - Middle School or Group B - High School) will participate in the direct training program between July 15, 2024 and September 14, 2024 according to the schedule arranged by the Organizing Committee.

The teams in the Prototype Round will receive financial support from the Organizers with a budget of VND  10,000,000 to complete their submissions.

Note: The financial support will be sent to each team when the Prototype Round ends to ensure the team’s responsibility and commitment to completing the Round.

- Time for TOP 10 teams to finalizing product models: September 30, 2024 – October 25, 2024


 Expert panel will continue accompanying the TOP 10 to prepare for the Final Round (via MS Teams platform)

Estimated time: 02 classes from September 30, 2024 to October 25, 2024 scheduled by Organizers.

- Expected Final Round date: October 26, 2024

- Final Round details: In front of the Judges, each team demonstrates and presents their products/models and answers questions.

- Venue: announced later by the Organizers

- Transportation: teams will be supported in travel and accommodation expenses when participating in Final Round (maximum 04 Students and 01 teacher).

- Format: on-stage project presentation

+  Each team will have a maximum of 15 minutes to present and 5 minutes to answer questions from the Jury.

+  Each team must prepare one poster, no larger than A0 size (1189mm x 841mm), to introduce the team's project at the Final's exhibition space.

- TOP 20 TEAMS must be present at the Final Round venue. The absent team will be regarded forfeited and will not get the associated awards and support for the Final Round team.

- The Prize Ceremony and Final Round results will be conducted  and announced on the same day.

- Teams and teachers must pledge to carefully and completely follow the Organizers directions, as well as plan a schedule to participate in accordance with the requirements listed below if they pass the preliminary stage and be selected for the next round:
+ For the Preliminary Round: teachers and students must attend and finish the online training course, as well as submit the online entry on time, as specified by the Organizers on the website.
+ For Prototype Round:
   > Expert Advisor: 
      > Teams are required to participate in the Expert Advisor session.
      > The teams do not arbitrarily change the time of professional counselling sessions as arranged by the Organizers.
   > Training: Teams are required to participate in online training sessions according to the time arranged by the Organizers.
   > Prototype Development: The team instructor is responsible for obtaining permission from the Administrators & Parents and assisting in scheduling time to facilitate students to complete product models.
+ For the Final Round: The teams will gather for the Final Round in Hanoi scheduled for October 26, 2024. The teacher in charge is responsible for obtaining permission from the Administrators & Parents and assisting in scheduling time to facilitate the Student's participation in the Final Round.

- In case the teams chosen to advance to the next round are unable to attend according to the timetable, they must respond to the Organizers within 24 hours so Organizers will select the next high-scoring team instead.

Answer general information
about the contest
issues related to the Website
08:30 - 12:00 & 13:30 - 17:30
Monday to Friday from
March 27, 2024 to the end of October 26, 2024


- Thời gian nộp bài thi: trước 23h59p ngày 01.10.2023.

- Hình thức: nộp bài thi trực tuyến theo hướng dẫn

- Cách thức thực hiện:

▪ Bước 1: Các đội thi tham khảo hướng dẫn chi tiết và mẫu bài dự thi (dưới dạng Word hoặc Powerpoint)

▪ Bước 2: Đại diện đội thi dùng tài khoản đã học trực tuyến để thực hiện việc đăng tải bài thi trực tuyến

▪ Bước 3: Đội thi chọn “Nộp bài thi trực tuyến”, điền thông tin đăng ký, lựa chọn Bảng thi tương ứng để nộp bài dự thi (Bảng A – Học sinh THCS; Hoặc Bảng B – Học sinh THPT) và đăng tải bài dự thi

- Bài dự thi hợp lệ là bài thi thực hiện theo đúng hướng dẫn như sau:

▪ Tên file bài dự thi được đặt tên theo cú pháp

1. [Bảng A THCS]_[Tỉnh/Thành phố]_[Tên Trường]_[Tên đội] (VD: Bảng A THCS_Hà Nội_Trường THCS Giảng Võ_ Đội ABC).

2. [Bảng B THPT]_[Tỉnh/Thành phố]_[Tên Trường]_[Tên đội] (VD: Bảng B THPT_Hà Nội_Trường THPT Trần Phú_ Đội DEF).

▪ Bài dự thi được thực hiện dưới dạng Word hoặc Powerpoint phải đảm bảo đầy đủ các phần sau:

1. Đề tài dự thi

2. Lý do chọn đề tài

3. Phương pháp tìm hiểu vấn đề

4. Ý tưởng về giải pháp

5. Giải pháp thực hiện mô hình mẫu

6. Quy trình thử nghiệm giải pháp

7. Tính khả thi của giải pháp

8. Kế hoạch tài chính dự kiến

9. Kế hoạch triển khai thực hiện dự án

10. Phụ lục

- Đội thi chỉ được công nhận đủ điều kiện nộp bài dự thi khi mỗi thành viên đội thi đã hoàn thành Khoá Đào Tạo Trực Tuyến và nhận mã hoàn thành khoá học.

- Trong thời hạn nộp bài của Vòng Sơ Khảo, đội thi được quyền bổ sung thông tin, cập nhật nội dung bài dự thi đã gửi trên hệ thống. Mỗi nội dung được gửi từ 01 tài khoản đã đăng ký trên website được xem là 01 bài dự thi, do đó đội thi cần gửi lại toàn bộ các thông tin quy định trong mỗi lần cập nhật và chỉ dùng 01 tài khoản để liên lạc với BTC. Trong trường hợp đội thi muốn gửi bài dự thi lần 02, lần 03, … tên file bài dự thi phải đặt theo cú pháp:

1. [Bảng A THCS]_[Tỉnh/Thành phố]_[Tên Trường]_[Tên đội]_[Gửi lại lần 02/03/…] (VD: Bảng A THCS_Hà Nội_Trường THCS Giảng Võ_ Đội ABC_ Gửi lại lần 02).

2. [Bảng B THPT]_[Tỉnh/Thành phố]_[Tên Trường]_[Tên đội]_[Gửi lại lần 02/03/…] (VD: Bảng B THPT_Hà Nội_Trường THPT Trần Phú_ Đội DEF_ Gửi lại lần 02).

- Lưu ý quan trọng:

▪ Đội thi chỉ dùng 01 tài khoản để liên lạc với BTC. BTC chỉ căn cứ trên nội dung Lần gửi cuối cùng nhận được từ đội thi tại thời điểm hết hạn nộp bài để xác định nội dung bài thi.

▪ Đối với bài dự thi được gửi trong thời gian quy định, BTC sẽ gửi email phản hồi xác nhận trong vòng 48 giờ tính từ thời điểm nhận được bài dự thi. Nếu quá thời hạn trên mà đội thi vẫn chưa nhận được phản hồi, vui lòng liên hệ:

Hotline BTC Cuộc thi: 0981 793 336 – 0246 685 2255

▪ Bài dự thi là ứng dụng chưa từng được công bố trên các phương tiện thông tin đại chúng hoặc chưa từng được giải thưởng của các cuộc thi tương tự đã được tổ chức.

- Công bố kết quả Vòng Sơ Khảo:

▪ 40 đội thi có số điểm cao nhất (trong đó có 20 đội Bảng A - THCS và 20 đội Bảng B – THPT) sẽ được liên hệ trực tiếp bằng thư điện tử và điện thoại để thông báo tham dự Vòng Phát Triển Sản Phẩm.

▪ Kết quả sẽ được công bố chính thức tại website dự kiến vào ngày 15.10.2023.




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